June 7th

We depart Bijsk at 8.30 AM toward the Mongolian border of Tashanta. The road is beautiful and in good shape. We have to watch our speed because its full of Police before and after every villages we encounter on route. All of a sudden the scenery changes drastically and reminds us that we are entering the region of Altai. It seems like we are riding in Switzerland or Austria. The people are what makes a difference here. As we approach the Mongolia we see the feature of people changing to a more oriental lineaments. At about 100 KM to Tashanta the scenary changes as well. Its like riding on top of the moon surface with lots of mountains okra color with very little vegetation. Finally we are 10 KM away from our goal: MONGOLIA. We are riding on a long deserted road and it seems we are in a time machine and going back in time leaving the so called civilization behind. We are both ready and exited to explore this country where  nature is still predominant. Once we arrive in Tashanta, the border is closed. They operate business hours only. We then need to find a place to stay for the night in this very small village. Our only option is to ask someone on the street where we could set up our tent but the man said that if we were to buy him a bottle of Vodka we could stay at his friend place. We are shown a filthy wooden shed with seven beds and a bucket of water as our sink. Needless to say where the toilet was. We decide to take the roof but we also prefer to sleep on the floor with our sleeping bags.


Panorama Altai region



Our Suite in Tashanta


The time machine
Local Tashanta Kid
Playground in the Altai region
Our Beloved Landlord
Easy Riders